Hi all

Maybe someone can point me in the right direction.

Using PSDR 2.6.4 with a Flex 3000.
VAC (full version) 4.12
4gb RAM Lenovo T420 laptop (with a relatively flimsy Firewire 800 port
installed, new Firewire 400 Expresscard on the way but not yet arrived).
Win7 Pro.
Same issue on Dell Latitude D630 (Firewire 800 port). WinXP SP3 with 1gb
RAM. Samsung SSD.

The Line1 and Line 2 VAC lines playback and record are set in Sounds to 2
Channel 96000hz audio as per

N1MM v13.10.1

My buffers are set as follows:
Flex measured Sampling rate: 48khz, buffer size 1024, safe mode 1 (low
latency was no different behaviour)

PSDR Audio -> Primary: buffer size 1024, sample rate 48000 (was same
behaviour when 2048 / 96000)
PSDR Audio -> VAC1: Windows WDM-KS, buffer size 1024, 48000
PSDR DSP -> Options: all 5 buffers set to 1024

PSDR runs on the win7 machine at around 9% CPU.

Basically, when I click Buck on N1MM (or open any new browser window) I get
crackly audio audible on the headphones, and sometimes PSDR crashes
entirely (can't remember the error but it says Continue/Quit and then I
need to reboot to restart PSDR).

Any ideas?

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