Ahh but there is:  It's called DDutil plus the Flex Knob.  I use DDutil to set 
the three buttons in the Knob set to execxute macros that change my display 
from  -115 to -135.  The three macros are:M31   ZZDQ-115;ZZDN-120;   
M32   ZZDQ-125;ZZDN-130;
M33   ZZDQ-115;ZZDN-120; ZZDQ is the CAT command that sets the Panadapter 
display, and ZZDN sets the waterfall display minimum.   Using the three 
buttons, I can easily tailor the display to a busy night on 40M versus a quiet 
time on 10M. Jim KJ2P    > 
> Wouldn't it be wonderful if there was a user accessible control to set the 
> "sensitivity/gain" for the waterfall.  Maybe there is and I don't know how 
> to do it.
> Patrick NJ5G
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