Well, Bruce, yes, when we look out the window we see the same thing! There are a lot of good things to be said about 2.7.2 and whatever was done to the drivers is really outstanding! I'm running 2.7.2 for the 1500 and 5000A and am well pleased! The 3000, my workhorse ragchew machine, is still on 2.3.5 but that's because it's supported by a computer I bought on eBay, sawed away metal so I could install a firewire board (recommended by Flex), and is now running at about 70% processor load with XP. It has never been connected to the internet since being purchased for $140 nearly 4 years ago. But it never misses a beat so, as they say, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." Sure, I realize that five minutes from now the screen might go blue and I will have to do something. One of these days, since I have a fully upgraded 5000A (with all backpanel connectors occupied) I might even count how many "slices" are available to me. I might even add those from the couple of non-Flex SDR receivers I have.

The important thing is that I am now accumulating a list of folks who have asked me to comment on the basics of SDR since they are "thinking" about it. That's quite a change from a year ago when if I wore my Flex cap to a ham event I would be lucky if someone didn't throw rocks (or worse) at me!

Merry Christmas!


Lee   K9WRU
----- Original Message ----- From: <k...@arrl.net>
To: <flexradio@flex-radio.biz>
Sent: Monday, December 23, 2013 7:51 AM
Subject: [Flexradio] Comments on PowerSDR v2.7.2

The installation went well for my 3000 and that new application to transfer
data is wonderful. Thank you Flex!

73, Bruce K6ZB

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