I believe he asked for reasons to dump his 5000a and upgrade.
Many of the reasons stated seem to apply more to someone comparing the
purchase of a 5000a vs a 6300. If you already have a working 5000a, the
differences are more subtle and he will of course have to decide.

On 5/14/2014 12:29 PM, amsct...@comcast.net wrote:
> The major "real-world" differences/benefits: 
> - Elimination of a poorly supported datalink (Apple FireWire)
True, but it's not poorly supported for HIM, as he is using it = no
immediate benefit
> - Low-bandwidth networking, by virtue of the DSP being located in the radio, 
> provides excellent performance -even over WiFi
Perhaps, but  he did not state a need for remote access, so again no
immediate benefit.
> - Very easy to get digital audio into and out of the radio. Helpful even when 
> not operating digital modes. For example. a PC can be used to record QSOs 
> without using VAC. 
A nice feature, but any benefit depends on whether he has bought and is
using VAC already, and he doesn't say  = ???
> - More dynamic range than the 5K means less intermodulation and de-sense 
> - Wider panadapter bandwidth allows you to see more at a glance 
> - Lower TX IMD 
> - Much less RF intrusion into the Signature's chassis 
Very good reasons if those things are a problem for him. The wider
panadapter might be compelling.
> Issues: 
> - The DSP isn't that much different than PSDR, so it isn't going to "sound" 
> much different than your 5K until sometime around the end of the year. 
> These are the differences today, as I see them. Best of luck with your 
> purchasing decision. 
> 73 de Mike - N8MSA 
> http://n8msa.blogspot.com/ 
The 6300 is clearly "cleaner" and more elegant, but from a day to day
operating perspective I concur with him that there doesn't seem to be a
"killer app" in the 6300 for the owner of a 5000a.

> ----- Forwarded Message -----
> From: w...@reagan.com 
> To: FlexRadio@flex-radio.biz 
> Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2014 10:44:35 AM 
> Subject: [Flexradio] to order a 6300 or not. 
>         I have had Flex rigs from the first 1000 kit to my current 5000a. I 
> have downloaded all the spec sheets, that are out there, and read all the 
> beta testing remarks from the various testers. None of which really tell me 
> much about how the 6300 will work out in the real world,under day to day 
> hamming. I have not seen any comparisons to the performance of the 
> 6300/5000a, weather they be suggested improvements over the 5000a or even 
> improvements based on the new 6300's technology. 
>          The 6300, looks great on paper and the engineering write-ups, but 
> what will I gain in "REAL LIFE"day to day operation over my 5000a. Iam not a 
> con tester, like to work dx and also rag chew. I do little CW any 
> longer,arthritis in the fingers,the 5000a could be easily passed up, for this 
> mode. 
>         I already have a big investment in the computer,I-7 ,to run the 
> 5000a, which of course would run the 6300 also,so thats a wash. I like the 
> audio on my 5000a, use a balanced condenser mic and have received comments on 
> the pleasant audio. Would have to go back to the unbalanced on the 6300. 
>          I run a hex beam and do not need the tuner ,but I also run a 
> vertical and a OCF dipole for 160 to 80 meters which I do need the tuner on 
> the 5000a for. 
>           I guess Iam looking for reasons to dump the 5000a and move UP to 
> the 6300,so far Iam not seeing many,other than being the first guy on the 
> block to buy the new model car. 
>           Thanks for reading,would like to hear other guys thoughts on the 
> subject. 
> 73 
> dale wt4t 

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