
Not really true on the USB to Parallel... sorry Ray... :-(
There is at least one model that works perfectly well (I have two specimens
running, 3 years now and zero issues).

USB2LPT Release 1.7

If not available, it is all open source you just build one.

Despite the fact that I've posted this help a few times already I have
nothing to do with this... etc etc usual disclaimer.... solely an happy user.


On XP runs like a breeze over USB with the USB2LPT adapter. That is for sure.


Luis Cupido

p.s. as for the 64bit systems, it is not a brick wall either, I got PowerSDR 1.18 running well on WIN7/ultimate... (had to compile it to get around a nasty crash at startup) and the real nightmare was that I needed win7 in test mode and hammer the USB driver to enforce signature etc. Anyway... this is just to say that I got it working just to prove that it was possible... then I connect it all back to the good old XP ;-)

On 6/29/2014 1:26 PM, Ray, K9DUR wrote:

Sorry, but you are out of luck.

1. The USB-to-Parallel adapters were all made to run parallel printers&  do
NOT provide all of the pins used by the SDR-1000.  Therefore NONE of the
USB-to-parallel adapters will work.  You have to use a parallel port
expansion board.

2.  There are NO 64-bit drivers for the SDR-1000.  You can only use the
SDR-1000 on a 32-bit system.

73, Ray, K9DUR

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