I've used both.  I know of no difference on transmit, but it was not very 
convenient to do A/B tests.  However I think I
remember fewer or less apparent "spikes" on receive.  These were annoying 
little blips a few dB. above the noise that
could be seen here and there.  PSDR had a button to press (don't ask, it's been 
a really long time) that would displace
some images slightly so, hopefully, they wouldn't interfere with the desired 
signal.  Sometimes this worked, sometimes
it didn't.  The FA-66 was a little better.  Both will try your patience getting 
set up.  Also, the latest PSDR versions may not
support the SDR-1000; you may want to check on that.
     If this is your first SDR experience you are in for a real eye-opener.  
Problem (if it is one) is that after a short time
you will want to upgrade to a newer radio like the 1500 or one of the 6000 
series.  In any case it will be fun along the way.

Ned,  K1NJ


 From: "ke...@3950.net" <ke...@3950.net>
To: flexradio@flex-radio.biz 
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2014 10:46 AM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] old sdr-1000 question

On 10/24/2014 10:37 AM, w...@reagan.com wrote:
> A friend of mine found a very nice sdr-1000 yesterday ,he asked me about the 
> da converter. this 1000 has a presonus fire box ,instead of the trusty fa-66. 
> will it perform as well as the fa-66 or is he wasting his time.
> thanks
> dale wt4t

I use an SDR-1000 with an FA-66. But I have heard stations using the 
Presonus and they seem to work fine -- perhaps others on this list 
are using one. I have also heard of people using very advanced, more 
recent, sound cards with even better performance than an FA-66.

He could always buy an FA-66 on Ebay or elsewhere if he wanted to 



Kevin, WB4AIO.

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