A word about "porting" any code between architectures... 

PowerSDR is built with primarily with standard Microsoft Windows development 
components, and some rather ancient DSP routines. This is exactly what the 
OpenHPSDR lead programmers found when using version 1.X as the basis for PSDR 
mRX. 2.X, while being a rather large evolutionary step, isn't that different in 
that respect. 

SmartSDR is, in part, DSP split across an FPGA and a DSP processor running in a 
Linux environment. This means that the chances of any code being shared between 
the two platforms is minimal. 

Algorithms? Maybe... 
Code? Not so much... 


Mike - N8MSA 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Alan" <wa4...@gmail.com> 
To: flexradio@flex-radio.biz 
Sent: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 6:56:14 AM 
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] PowerSDR and Falling prices 

At Dayton last year, Gerald committed to fixing the last real deficiency which 
affects me and many others who bought the VU-5K for satellite and VHF/UHF 
digital use in general: the lack of a "9600 baud" FM mode. Flex is developing a 
"Digital FM" mode for SmartSDR, so they understand the need and how to code it. 

We had a contact at Flex, people to test the code, etc. After some initial 
contact, communications simply stopped. My understanding is that the need to 
get SmartSDR working was reaching the critical level and vacuumed up the 
resources. I assume that Gerald will follow through with at least one more 
update to PowerSDR. There are a lot of differences in the two software 
architectures, but hopefully it will be fairly easy to port the code. 



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