Your right the manual RX image adjustments when they added the auto-magical adjustment on the Calibration tab. I don't seem to remember them successfully automating the TX image adjustment.
Which required per-band fine tuning, when TX images required correction.

73, Jay Nation - NO5J

On 7/13/2015 2:51 PM, wrote:
I want to do a manual RX image rejection adjustment to my SDR-1000, running PowerSDR 2.5.3.

However, it looks like the manual RX image reject adjustment has been removed from the DSP > Image Reject tab. (The manual TX image adjustment is still there, though.) Older versions, as indicated in the manual, had such an adjustment.

Is there any secret key combination or other means to make this RX adjustment manually?

Thanks and 73,

Kevin, WB4AIO.

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