Actually Steve is very active in the DDUtil yahoo group

Dave wo2x

Sent from my waxed string and tin cans. 

> On Mar 28, 2016, at 8:56 PM, <> <> wrote:
> No, haven't emailed Steve. Didn't see an email to use. Didn't know how active 
> that reflector would be. Can't be too many people actually using the software 
> these days. Always had good luck here, so that's where I began.
> Jeff
> On Mon, Mar 28, 2016 at 11:11 AM -0700, "Neal Campbell" <> 
> wrote:
> Have you posted this on the DDU reflector or sent it to Steve?
> That would be your best next step!
> 73
> Neal Campbell
> Abroham Neal LLC
> On Mon, Mar 28, 2016 at 11:42 AM, Tim Ellison, W4TME <>
> wrote:
>> That errorindicates that DDUtil has crashed.
>> Tim Ellison, W4TME
>> Customer Experience Manager
>> FlexRadio Systems™
>> 4616 W Howard Ln, Suite 1-150
>> Austin, TX 78728
>> Phone: 512-535-4713 Ext. 223
>> Web: <>
>>> On 3/28/2016 9:15 AM, Jeff Brown wrote:
>>> Not sure it DDUtil is broken or the newest version of HRD is broken, or
>>> maybe it's just my computer.  I can't get the HRD server working
>>> correctly.  I power up PowerSDR.  Then I start DDUtil.  I connects just
>>> fine. I have HRD 6.2 selected and the box enabled.  I previously setup the
>>> HRD rig control to connect to Flex using PowerSDR and the correct port.  It
>>> connects just fine and works as it should.  It can then connect to logbook
>>> and DM780 and they work as they should.  So with PowerSDR and DDUtil
>>> running I should just fire up logbook and DM780.  Logbook connects but the
>>> radio pane says it's SmartSDR, not PowerSDR.  A warning popup comes on and
>>> say "Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at
>>> DDUtil_V3.Setup.GetDropdownTextSstring s)".  Logbook still follows the
>>> radio but the popup won't go away unless the program is closed.  I can open
>>> DM780 but it also connects as SmartSDR instead.  It pops up a fault as soon
>>> as you try to transmit.  "Transmit Failed The 9:SMART SDR configuration
>>> does not have a TX button displayed. Press OK to configure the Radio pane
>>> layout."  When I select OK I see the interface and it does have a TX
>>> button...just won't work.  I've tried uninstall, reinstall several times.
>>> System reboot several times.  Verifed that HRD all works correctly stand
>>> alone without DDUtil.  I'm pretty much convinced that it has something to
>>> do with starting up the server and the logbook and DM780 identifying as the
>>> wrong software.  I tried changing HRD to SmartSDR and connecting.  It kinda
>>> works but TX hangs and the rig won't unkey.  Obviously not compatible
>>> command structure.  Any idea?  I hate running HRD rig control as it's
>>> redundant...only need the server.  Used to use Minideluxe, but yet another
>>> piece of software to run on top of the others.  Grrrr.  Thanks for any
>>> suggestions.
>>> Jeff
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