David writes:
> Mally writes:
>  > You may be interested to know that Peter Tishma (aka Papa Tango)
>  > has applied to patent the concept of a flight simulator. At least
>  > that's how the patent application reads to me, and apparently also
>  > to the avsim.com newsdesk, who've put the story on their front page
>  > today:
> Upon my (non-professional) reading, the patent seems to apply to the
> combination of a simulator and related information (text, maps, etc.)
> provided in real-time -- his example is the history of the aircraft
> type the user is flying, but I suppose a moving-map display would
> qualify as well.  I couldn't find the date when he claimed first use
> in the application.

The patent system works differently in the UK.  Unlike the US, you have to file
the patent before first use - quite a fundamental difference.


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