
Thanks, the FlightGear code has been synced with your latest changes.


Andy Ross writes:
> OK, I've finally cobbled YASim back into a releasable state, so
> there's a new source distribution available at:
> Eventually, this will be again, as soon as I can get
> Network Solutions to find my account.  Things are a little simpler now
> that the source is in CVS, basically copy the files into place,
> rebuild, and go.  There's a short README to explain things, which is
> duplicated below.
> Lots of bugs have been fixed, and I've (briefly) tested all the
> aircraft this time.  This is the
> Have fun,
> Andy
> == README ==
> Really simple installation recipe:
> + Copy all the source files in the YASim subdirectory to the
>   src/FDM/YASim subdirectory of your FlightGear tree.
> + make clean; make; make install
>   (You can probably skip the clean part, so long as your build tree is
>   up to date and your system clock isn't doing funny things).
> + Place all the aircraft .xml files (there are only four so far) in
>   the "Aircraft" subdirectory of your base directory.
> + Run:
>   fgfs --fdm=yasim --aircraft=a4   # A-4 Skyhawk
>                    --aircraft=747  # Boeing 747
>                    --aircraft=c172 # Cessna 172SP
>                    --aircraft=c310 # Cessna T310
> Random notes, caveats, and things to try:
> All aircraft but the 172 have retractable gear.  Try it and verify the
> drag effects.  Recent FlightGear CVS even plays the sound, now.
> The jets perform very differently with differing fuel loads.  Try
> specifying --prop:/yasim/fuel-fraction=0.5 for 50% fuel, etc...
> The 310 has a variable pitch propeller controlled by the
> "/controls/propellor-pitch" (yeah, it's spelled wrong) properties.
> These aren't mapped in the default controls.  Here is the mapping that
> I use, with pitch on the PgUp/PgDown keys:
>  <key n="360">
>   <name>PageUp</name>
>   <desc>Increase propeller advance.</desc>
>   <binding>
>    <command>property-adjust</command>
>    <property>/controls/propellor-pitch[0]/</property>
>    <step type="double">0.01</step>
>   </binding>
>   <binding>
>    <command>property-adjust</command>
>    <property>/controls/propellor-pitch[1]/</property>
>    <step type="double">0.01</step>
>   </binding>
>  </key>
>  <key n="361">
>   <name>PageDown</name>
>   <desc>Decrease propeller advance.</desc>
>   <binding>
>    <command>property-adjust</command>
>    <property>/controls/propellor-pitch[0]</property>
>    <step type="double">-0.01</step>
>   </binding>
>   <binding>
>    <command>property-adjust</command>
>    <property>/controls/propellor-pitch[1]</property>
>    <step type="double">-0.01</step>
>   </binding>
>  </key>
> The variable pitch code is a little "wiggly".  The prop will jitter
> around the correct RPM a few times before settling down.  If you're
> lucky, you can get the engines to do this out of phase with each other
> and watch some really freaky yaw oscillations.  I think I know how to
> fix this but need a little time.
> The 747 _should_ have spoilers and slats, with attendant control
> mappings, but doesn't.  It should also have four throttles instead of
> two.  Bug me to fix this, or try it yourself if you're feeling
> adventurous.
> Those with real experience in these aircraft, simulations thereof, or
> just lots of MSFS experience are encouraged to provide feedback about
> the control "feel" of the aircraft.  This can't be looked up in books,
> for the most part.  Are the roll rates OK?  Are the yaw oscillations
> too damped or not damped enough?  Are the stalls to shallow or too
> sharp?  Are the pitching moments through the stall too high (I suspect
> they are)?  Etc...
> -- 
> Andrew J. Ross                NextBus Information Systems
> Senior Software Engineer      Emeryville, CA
> "Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
>  - Sting (misquoted)
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