Curtis L. Olson writes:

 > So for instance if you want to try Andy's YASim 747 model, and
 > check out his alternate (blade element-ish) approach to modeling
 > the flight dynamics, just run "fgfs --aircraft=747-yasim" and
 > you'll get the right fdm code, and the right aerodynamics
 > configuration, etc.  Currently we don't have a 747 panel so perhaps
 > someone out there might see this as an opportunity to jump in and
 > start working on one. :-)

In this case, it would make sense to default to having the panel off
and the HUD on; ditto for any other panel-less high-performance

 > In the last week or so we have received a *lot* more goodies to play
 > with.  Also if you haven't been following along, the new sound effects
 > add alot.  We have wind noise, ground rumble, a stall horn, and tire
 > squeak on touch down.

Dave Luff also added ATIS, a very important change that risks being
missed in all the other excitement.

 > I really appreciate all the hard work so many people have been putting
 > in.  It's starting to become a challenge to keep up with all the
 > changes!  If we could knock off a couple of the remaining annoyance
 > bugs in JSBSim and YASim (those bugs that aren't necessarily high
 > priority, but are things an average person will immediately notice and
 > ding us for) then I would be tempted to roll out the 0.7.9 release
 > soon.  (I'm thinking specifically of the startup-onground sinking into
 > the ground and spinning slowly bug in JSBSim and the accelerating
 > backwards on the ground in YASim.)

C'mon -- we deserve an 0.8.0 for all this.

All the best,


David Megginson

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