Why add auto-generated files to the CVS repository?

I think it is generally considered (by other open source projects
anyway) a bad idea to include auto-generated files in CVS. Sometimes,
people will regenerate these files using their local tools, and then
they'll have 'cvs diff' produce crap. Developers using CVS are expected
to have the tools to generate the build scripts themselves.


On Tue, 2001-12-11 at 21:26, David Megginson wrote:
> Date: Tuesday December 11, 19101 @ 15:26
> Author:       david
> Update of /var/cvs/FlightGear-0.7/FlightGear/src/FDM/JSBSim
> In directory seneca:/tmp/cvs-serv29455
> Modified Files:
>       .cvsignore 
> Log Message:
> Added config.h, which is autogenerated.
> ===================================================================
> File: .cvsignore              Status: Up-to-date
>    Working revision:  1.2     Tue Dec 11 21:26:51 2001
>    Repository revision:       1.2     
>    Existing Tags:
>       No Tags Exist
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