Norman Vine wrote:
 > Here is some code to translate the HUD with the eye vector
 > for those that want to play :-)

That won't work, though.  The translation approximation is good only
for small panning angles, which is violated in a big way by the
virtual cockpit notion.  I want to pan by 180 degrees at least. :)

The correct fix would be to project the hud's coordinate system onto
the rectangle formed by the "unpanned" view frustum.  This really
wouldn't be so hard, and maybe I'll give it a shot tonight (although
there's a whole bunch of YASim stuff I want to finish by the weekend,
too).  The same could be done for the panel without too much
difficulty, although it would be better to project it onto "real"
geometry around the viewpoint, instead of simply to the frustum.

The problems I was looking at have to do with the use of pixel
coordinates in the HUD.  Right now, there's a "compression-ratio"
parameter in the HUD code that controls the pixel-to-angle convertion
ratio.  I can't quite figure out the units, but it's very sensitive to
aspect ratio and screen size.  Change either, and it breaks.  A
"virtual cockpit" HUD has to be insensitive to panning and zooming;
this one isn't, and I can't see a simple way to make it so.


Andrew J. Ross                NextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer      Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
  - Sting (misquoted)

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