This performance issue looks to be a RAM and/or Video Card problem to

Things to check:
Make sure you aren't using DoubleSpace/DriveSpace or similar.
Close any apps in the system tray that aren't needed.
Close your virus scanner, or put it to sleep at least. If it is scanning
every file that loads that is not going to help. Especially as the
current breed will uncompress zip, gz, tar and Z files when it sees

Try running the System Monitor applet watching CPU, free RAM and Swap
file usage, then fire up FGFS. I predict that the swap file usage will
go through the roof. You may need to turn the update rate down to get
the graph to cover all of startup.

It might be worth trying a non-debug build, as this will almost
certainly have a smaller memory footprint. Alternatively, get the 256MB
upgrade out of the wings, and into the DIMM sockets.

If that doesn't help, get a GeForce2MX or better for your video card.
When I went from a Diamond 3D 2000 to a GeForce 2MX, my frame rate on
Win98SE went from <1fps to 30+.

The top speed of Magic can be tweaked in src/Main/fdm/magic.cxx (I think
that is the right place). I usually remap it to be proportional to
throttle^2, and have a max value nearer 10000 knots. Remapping to
throttle^2 means that you maintain a little bit of control at low

FWIW, I get adequate performance (~10fps) on P200MMX, 64MB Ram, with a
cygwin debug build. But the disk does thrash some.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Geoff McLane [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 26 January 2002 1:00 pm
> Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] msvc6-win32-0.7.9 Ok
> JSBSim (def), YASim and 'magic' - zlib
> > Note: JSBSim config files allow the user to specify a log file to be
> generated
> Wow! Yes, when I looked around after the
> 'flight' I saw this abt 6 MB csv file,
> and wondered - 'where did that come
> from?'. I had a quick peek inside and
> deleted that first one ...
> But I have now done another partial
> flight using the 'default' c172.xml
> and there is some interesting information
> in (this time 4 MB) csv file ...

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