> Richard Bytheway - perf. ... RAM and/or Video Card
> Things to check: ...
all checked and thanks for the tips n info.

Tried to add the 256 MB, but ran into 'real' problems, and
must leave that until later ...

Still must find the 'Unika' book to find out what 'video' this is. In
this fr. system it seems integrated with the mother board. That is
the video cable goes into a socket directly on the mother board!
huh? yuck! ugh!

But as stated, i am happy :-)) when things get right FGFS really
sings ... err flies ...

Anyway, as mentioned will shortly close off my 'list' - leave for
Australia on 9th - will re-start my 'list' when i come back in March.
Thus i will be 'away' for 0.7.9 rel, but will certainly 'look' for it when
i come back ...

Some quick things -

(a) Tried LARSim, but with mags on both, the starter would kick to
500 rpm, but then falls to zero again. Is there something else I
should be doing? i sort of like the 'kchzz' sound as the starter
kicks in ...

(b) Have also now tried the YASim 747 - This is certainly
fun. Somehow, perhaps the 'heaviness' of the ac, seems to smooth
out 'scenery' jitters, and off i go - tar muchly - is there a power
'booster' i can attach to bump the 2000 ft level flight, max. power
speed? just kidding i think ...

now where is that harrier, and the aircraft carrier to try those ...

Keep up the great work ...


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