Not to fan the LOD flames, but I gotta stick up for my favorite
algorithm here. :)

Curtis L. Olson wrote:
 > Recently there has been a lot of work on continuous level of detail
 > schemes.  The stuff I've seen however has been great for demos and
 > certain games, but there are serious issues in using this sort of
 > scheme for a flight simulator that needs accurate terrain mapping.
 > We need to cut holes for airports.

That sounds like an assumption to me. :) Why not drape them over the
LOD triangles with a polygon offset?  This isn't terribly cheap, but
the complexity goes as the number of triangles in the final
tesselation.  So long as the "draped" complexity isn't too high, this
seems doable to me.  Even cutting holes isn't too bad if you think
about it -- I bet a nifty stencil buffer hack could be effective.

 > We need lots of objects/buildings on top of the scenery.

Just draw them where they should be and forget the differences in the
local ground polygons.  See below for a discussion of why the "LOD
error" is a myth.  The LOD error is measured in "real" coordinates,
not screen coordinates.  In pixels, the error is (by definition)
smaller than you care about.

 > We need to be able to fly seamlessly across the entire world and be
 > able to store the data for the entire world on a single computer.

Now, this is a problem.  Not the storing of data -- heightfields are
going to be smaller than the current tile format, not larger.  But the
gridding and stitching of multiple LODs into a single
all-the-way-to-the-horizon mesh is difficult, as is the generation of
textures to draw on those polygons.  I've gotten the first part to
work acceptably in the past.  I've never attacked the texture
generation problem.

 > If you are doing some sort of combat, what happens if your opponent
 > flies behind a hill in the distance, but your renderer has removed or
 > simplified the hill in the distance because of the LOD scheme.

This one is basically a myth.  If your CLOD scheme has an error
measurable in the 5-10 pixel range, then it's not doing its job.  For
earth-like terrain, you can get that accuracy with a 1000 triangle
tesselation; current hardware beats that by at least an order of
magnitude.  This idea is an impression left over from the days when
polygon budgets mattered; it's no longer an issue.  Sub-pixel LOD
accuracy is acheivable.

I'm not saying FlightGear should jump on the LOD bandwagon right now.
It would involve *big* code changes and lots of effort that can more
productively be spent elsewhere.  But it's not nearly so hard to do as
its reputation implies.


Andrew J. Ross                NextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer      Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
  - Sting (misquoted)

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