--- Martin Dressler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat 23. February 2002 01:06, you wrote:
> > The flightgear side really only knows the current
> ground elevation for
> > a specific lon/lat.  FlightGear has no way to know
> the dimensions of a
> > specific aircraft or the relative placement of the
> gear.  It would
> > seem like the best thing FlightGear can do is
> provide the elevation of
> > the ground for the starting lon/lat, and then it
> should be up to the
> > FDM to do the rest.
> BTW How you can get altitude of specific lat,lon
> position, please?
> What about scheme, when FDM or other SubSystem store
> lat,lon position 
> structures on some heap and after frame render get
> it back with filled 
> altitude.

The scheme used to pass the data back and forth is not
the problem.  It's farther upstream than that.

> > The FDM passes back the location of the aircraft's
> CG, and this
> > combined with knowledge of the aircraft
> orientation and pilot view
> > offset relative to the CG allows FlightGear to
> properly render the
> > scene.
> >
> > I don't know the details of how it works know, but
> it seems like the
> > FDM would need to find a suitable starting point
> for the CG given the
> > information FlightGear can provide (which is the
> ground elevation.)
> >
> > This is a tricky area though so if there's
> something I'm missing feel
> > free to point it out. :-)
> >
> > Curt.
> Madr
> -- 
>       Martin Dressler
> http://www.musicabona.com/
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