On Tue, 2002-02-26 at 18:53, David Megginson wrote:
> Tony Peden writes:
>  > OK, JSBSim now reports control surface positions.  I set up the
>  > following properties:
>  > /surface-positions/elevator-pos-deg
>  > /surface-positions/left-aileron-pos-deg
>  > /surface-positions/right-aileron-pos-deg
>  > /surface-positions/rudder-pos-deg
>  > /surface-positions/flap-pos-deg
>  > 
>  > I believe the sign conventions are the same as those used by FGControls,
>  > but holler if they need to be different.
> Thanks -- this is extremely useful stuff.
> Is anyone out there keeping or willing to keep an up-to-date catalog
> of all properties?  That's something we should put on the
> flightgear.org site.

Is there a way to dump the entire tree to xml (whether or not the
archivable bit is set)? 
> All the best,
> David
> -- 
> David Megginson
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Tony Peden
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