While I'm thinking about it, can someone with knowlege please let me
know that I've got the right facts for the following coordinate

Model coordinates (that is, the reference frame of the local aircraft,
into which the model and panel geometry will be drawn):
   Origin = nose of the aircraft (?)
   X = backwards
   Y = up
   Z = left

World coordinates (global cartesian coordinates fixed to the earth,
into which the scenery is drawn):
   Origin = center of the earth
   X = out through lat=0, lon=0
   Y = out through lat=0, lon=90E
   Z = out the north pole
I got these off of Curt's very nice coordinates document, so I'm
fairly confident that this one is right.  What I'm fuzzier on is where
the origin is when the scenery tiles are drawn (it has to be local, as
floats don't have sufficient precision).  I can probably figure it out
from reading the code, but yell if there are nasty subtleties here.

Plib coordinates (the screen-space coordinates that are used in lieu
of OpenGL coordinates as the destination for the viewing orientation):
  Origin = eye position (duh)
  X = forward
  Y = left
  Z = up
This, by way of needless trivia, is same convention YASim uses for
aircraft geometry.


Andrew J. Ross                NextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer      Emeryville, CA
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              http://www.nextbus.com
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
  - Sting (misquoted)

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