Tony Peden wrote:
 > Andy Ross wrote:
 > > Tony Peden wrote:
 > > > Only the gear model can and should "know" the path that the wheel
 > > > follows as it compresses.
 > >
 > > I don't necessarily disagree,
 > But by asking the scenery code to do the intersection for you, that's
 > exaclty what you are doing, AFAICT.

Well, to be fair, this is a hard problem.  If we allow for the scenery
to be an arbitrary 3D mesh, *and* allow the gear to compress along
funny non-linear trajectories, we have a lot of complexity to deal
with.  We either have to have scenery code that understands funny gear
trajectories or gear code that understands 3D collision detection.

My suggestion works fine for the simple linear-compression situation
that works for most aircraft, and allows for an iterative, "probing"
metaphor in situations where it doesn't.

That is, break the compression trajectory into small pieces and test
each one of those for intersections.  Note that the pieces don't have
to be any smaller than the integration sampling wavelength, or about
0.1m or so, so this is actually quite feasible.  This gets you a
"perfect" gear simulation down to the level of integration
granulatity, which is good for all purposes.

 > > but I'm at a loss for how you get this effect by assuming that gear
 > > compression is always along a line normal to the ground plane?
 > I wouldn't make this argument, I'd say it's reasonable to assume
 > *body* axis z compression only (though you shouldn't lock yourself
 > into that, there are many examples where that's not the case, the F-18
 > and Cessna 172 being two), a very different thing.

Bingo, here is the disconnect.  The current terrain intersection code
gives you an altitude above the ground plane for each gear.  That
allows only for compression along the ground's "up" axis, not the
body's.  You could hack in a hybrid, but only by assuming flat ground
in the "area" under the gear.  This assumption breaks under the same
circumstances that the flat ground assumption does, and thus doing
things this way just doesn't buy you much.

I completely agree, by the way, that assuming the body frame
compression is always along the Z axis makes sense.  In fact, while
YASim in principle supports any gear compression axis, I only bothered
supporting Z axis compression in the parser.

I guess I'm just a little flummoxed at the resistance to doing things
"right" here.  I mean, it doesn't take any more CPU time; it doesn't
make the FDM's job any more complicated, and it's reasonably
well-supported by the scenery code as-is.  All that's needed is an
interface change and we're done.


Andrew J. Ross                NextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer      Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
  - Sting (misquoted)

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