Andy Ross writes:

 > I really don't subscribe to the "indirection above all" school of
 > software engineering, where the slightest hint that change might be
 > coming is enough to justify all sorts of contortions in the code.
 > Sometimes, simple things really should be left simple.

Fair enough.  I certainly overengineered props.[ch]xx, in anticipation
of all kinds of sophisticated stuff that people never bothered doing.
I've been learning, slowly, from the XP people to build only for today
(all my training previously was to anticipate future needs, and it's
hard to let that go).

To rewind a bit, Andy rightly pointed out some of the problems with
C++ exceptions, including the fact that they don't include stack
traces and that people usually throw only strings.  Granted, on both
points, but exceptions still have the advantage that they can be
caught at any arbitrary point up the stack and handled.  

For example, let's say that YASim fails to parse its XML config file.
If it throws an exception, perhaps fg_init can catch that, display a
warning dialog, and default to magic carpet mode.

All the best,


David Megginson

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