On Sun, 2002-03-17 at 19:05, David Megginson wrote:
> I've been running some experiments on the property manager today,
> retrieving different kinds of double properties in a tight loop and
> timing the results (the worst case was 6.2 seconds for 100M accesses
> of a property tied to object methods; the best was 4.3 seconds for
> 100M accesses of a property tied to a pointer).  I had been concerned
> that SGPropertyNode::getDoubleValue was showing up at the top of the
> profiling output for JSBSim, but I think that that was masking the
> object methods it was invoking in other JSBSim code.

To get the equivalent of tieing to object methods, a once-per-frame data
copy is necessary.  Did your testing take this into account? 

> I tried a lot of different combinations to speed things up and have
> managed around a 13 per cent improvement so far for internal
> properties, but not much for anything else.  The biggest surprise was
> that inlining methods made things slower, not faster, in most cases
> (there were a couple of exceptions).  That may be a quirk of G++'s
> code generation, but it's probably worth considering -- I had inlined
> much of the infrastructure to try to speed things up, but then put it
> back out of line again piece by piece.

I found only a slight improvement by un-inlining several of the most
called object methods in JSBSim.  The profiling did show less time spent
in SGPropertyNode::getDoubleValue, but more time in the un-inlined

In terms of total execution time, I'd say it came out about the same.
A real gain might be had if I un-inlined more tied methods, I don't 
know at this point.

> Since inlined code is nasty for other reasons -- it bloats the
> executable, makes the header files hard to read, screws up gdb, and
> forces a lot of recompilation whenever the implementation changes
> (since everything that includes the header has to be recompiled) -- we
> might want to consider trying to avoid it.  Does anyone know of any
> studies or statistics available on this?
> All the best,
> David
> -- 
> David Megginson
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