Jon Berndt writes:

 > I've had some thoughts along those lines, too. Note that I am not so
 > familiar with proper XML, but I wondered if this might be legal or
 > advisable,
 > Instead of:
 >   <X>24.5</X>
 >   <Z>-49.0</Z>
 > we could use:
 > <POSITION X="24.5" Z="-49.5"/>

Right now, I use attributes for meta-information (data type,
read/write flags, aliasing, and tracing).  As long as I use attributes
for meta-information and elements for data, we'll have a clean upgrade
path; otherwise, we'll end up with lots of reserved names (you cannot
have a property named "alias", for example, because it might conflict
with the attribute), and versioning problems (there's a new attribute
named "foo", so any existing "foo" properties have to be renamed).

The current practice is a little verbose compared with a
custom-designed, single-purpose XML format, but it generalizes
nicely.  Another alternative would be to use XML Namespaces, but
(while I support them) those have their detractors even in the
hard-core XML community, and I'm worried that they'll confuse people a
bit in FlightGear.

All the best,


David Megginson

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