Melchior FRANZ writes:
>* David Megginson -- Tuesday 19 March 2002 19:16:
>> Would it be possible either put out a version without the spurious
>> whitespace changes, or to post a message showing only what you
>> actually changed?  

Removed fgReshape() call from main loop

Removed fgIdle from the main loop once things are up and running
  1) initially glutDisplayFunc() is set to new mySplashDraw function 
  2) when idle state reaches 1000
      glutDisplayFunc() set to fgRenderFrame()
      glutIdleFunc()  reassigned to fgMainLoop() 
Made a local copy of a property value when it is used multiple times 
inside of the same function and used it

moved static property nodes pointers from function scope
to file scope.

>You could also patch a copy, make your own patch with "diff 
>-bB" between
>the patched and the unpatched file and then apply this patch 
>to the original.

< hiding head in shame >
I had forgotten that I had used the Main directory for testing astyle
and 'goofed' :-(

Anyway I am working in the new property manager changes
and vertical Mouse support for Andy's virtual panel along with 
a couple of minor Panel Speedups, all this is compiling now,
hopefully it still works wit hall of the other changes.

FWIW for vertical virtual panel
 added 3 lines to Panel.cxx to get and multiply panel matrix by 
     gui_quat_ matrix
 added 5 lines to viewer.cxx < add gui_quat_matrix and a get function >
 removed  line from viewer_rph.cxx and viewer_lookat.cxx that
        declared gui_quat_matrix external
 changed 5 lines in the GUI code to use the viewer->gui_quat_matrix
 instead of the local one.  



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