David Megginson writes:
>Norman Vine writes:
> > True -- but then again I have sped the program up ~15% even more if
> > you consider the model view, within the last month.  Heck I
> > replaced five matrix multiplies with one for every moving part in
> > the model display code alone :-))
>Norm -- I am very grateful for your contributions.  Most noticably,
>they reduced the stutter at the start of the model animation for some
>audio hardware and made the model code cleaner.  How did you arrive at
>the 15% figure, though?  My framerate hasn't changed at all for a long
>time.  Perhaps it has something to do with the combination of graphics
>hardware and CPU people are using -- I have a relatively fast CPU
>(c.a. 900MHZ) but only a slow-to-middle-range GPU (GeForce2), so I may
>be more GPU- than CPU-limited.  Perhaps someone running with, say,
>a GeForce3 and a 400MHZ CPU will see the framerate changes I'm

I am running a PIII 733 Geforce2GTS in game-mode

I bet you are making your measurements with both a Panel and a 
model displayed.  My figures are for the terrain rendering only.
maybe the minimal HUD.  As soon as you display the Panel you
are 'Fill Bound' never mind all the GL state changes.

On my machine I have gone from mid 60's to mid 70's fps reported on 
startup at default location ie ~15% or so.

The speedup is also much more dramatic when at altitude looking 
down as reported by EricH.  I am often seeing over 100 fps in these
conditions where I was in the 50-60 range before !



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