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comp.os.linux.x & no.it.os.unix.linux.diverse)

On Fri, 22 Mar 2002 23:37:46 +0100, 
Melchior FRANZ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> PS: Of course,I get better framerates up to 40/s (without
> clouds/panel) in    some areas (above the sea ;-), but airports badly
> kill performance,    just like the panel does. That's very sad,
> because I can never land    with ILS. Need a better computer ...

..are you sure you can't get good framerates with a good video card?

..on my bloated "workstation", an AMD K6-2 450, on an Epox
 EP-MVGP3G2 main board, I can add ram from 128 MB to 384MB.
 SW: Red Hat 7.2, all erratas, XFree86 4.1.0-15, kernel 2.4.18 
 and the aty framebuffer in the kernel, vt's at "vga=795", 
 and X at 1600 x 1200 x 24bpp @ 59Hz, nice once stomped home.

..which videocard should I go for?  
 (I like to avoid closed source drivers.)

..the apg-slot is occupied by an 8 MB ATI 3D Rage IIC AGP (rev 122).  
 Nice 2D at 1600x1200x24bpp, my torched Sony GDM-2038  will _not_ 
 sync vga, last time, it spent 22 hours to sync vga.
..whatever it syncs, is yawed 1/3 off the screen, to the left.
 Right boot stomping with xvidtune:
 Num hsync: 1, Num vsync: 1
 hsync range 0:  28.00 -  88.00
 vsync range 0:  50.00 - 175.00
 "1600x1200"   162.00   1600 1600 1856 2216   1200 1200 1208 1238 
 +hsync +vsync  ...plus some _un-documented_ button menu entries 
"to the right",  that appeared _after_ the last screen smoke screen. 

..bad news is, this doesn't quite cut it on the console.
How do I "move the picture back into the middle of the glass", 
for both the console and for X, automagically???

..my card can do 230 MHz, sissy XFree86 stops the pixel clock at 162MHz.
I can afford to _smoke_ the card, _not_ the monitor.  

..now, _how_ do I get this card to do _accellerated_ OpenGL?
 How far can I push acellerated OpenGL at say 800x600 or better? 

..and just _how_ do I _smoke_ the damned card???  

..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt... ;-)

  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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