Wolfram Kuss writes:

 > >The bigger problem, I suspect, will be main memory (or maybe disk
 > >bandwidth).  An impostor scheme is going to be really tile hungry --
 > >constantly dragging tiles off of disk, rendering them into textures,
 > >and forgetting about them.  
 > I know a sim that does what Norman suggest and it does not seem to
 > have problems with loading tiles, although it rerenders tiles all the
 > time (about one tile per frame).

I misunderstood Norm's original suggestion, but I still see no major
problem with using a simpler scheme like I suggested in an earlier

1. At distance (a), replace the tile with a single quad (or two
   triangles) using the texture for the most common material
   on the tile -- these would be similar to our current ocean tiles.

2. At distance (b), replace the tile with a single quad (or two
   triangles) untextured and using the ambient colour for the most
   common material on the tile.

This probably wouldn't be hard to implement using SSG, and wouldn't
have any dependencies on hardware capabilities -- we could generate
the two alternative tiles at tile load time as well as the main one,
since they would be very small.  I think that SSG already has LOD
support of some kind, so we wouldn't have to do much at all.

This approach would let us experiment with different distances and see
if we need Norm's imposters as an intermediate layer.

All the best,


David Megginson

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