Andy Ross writes:

 > Wolfram Kuss wrote:
 >  > I indeed think it is very important while landing to be able to look
 >  > ahead or look at the landing spot with the press of a key. In RL, my
 >  > head swivels between those two views, especially while in base. Don't
 >  > know whether some AI or much user defined stuff is needed for *this*
 >  > feature though.
 > I already have this feature.  Just add a joystick mapping that sets
 > the view offsets to zero, and scroll around with a hat switch.  A
 > little extra work would allow it to "toggle" settings from storage
 > properties somewhere, so you wouldn't lose the direction you were
 > looking at before you flipped to "forward".

You can do it with your keypad as well (unless you have a notebook,
like I do).

All the best,


David Megginson

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