I think that we're ready to switch over to the configurable mouse now
as the default, and to remove the old src/GUI/mouse.cxx code.

There are still a couple of open questions (i.e. mouse cursor-position
feedback) and one missing minor feature (automatic menu hiding), but
it provides all the main functionality of the old, hard-coded mouse
bindings while full user-level configuration.

Here's how I have the mouse bound right now:

Pointer mode:
- all mouse events get passed through
- right click switches to yoke mode

Yoke mode:
- left/right movement with no buttons pressed controls ailerons
- left/right movement with left button pressed controls rudder
- up/down movement with no buttons pressed controls elevator
- up/down movement with middle button pressed controls throttle
- right click switches to view mode

View mode:
- left/right movement with no buttons pressed pans view left and right
- up/down movement with no buttons pressed tilts view up and down
- left click centres view forward
- right click switches to pointer mode

All the best,


David Megginson

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