> Hello,
> How about a reproductible way to benchmark FlightGear ? Something like
> q1test or
> q2test in Quake. That is : an automated sequence of flight during, say 30s
> to 2mn,
> along a predetermined path from KSFO with different views. This could be
> presented
> has a demo and at the end, a summary on framerate and performance numbers
> will be displayed.
> This could be controlled by command line options
> ( --start-demo-mode=once|loop,
> --display-perf-summary )
> Just a thought,
> -Fred

I think a series of demos would be a great idea.  It would also be nice if
there were demos for various terrain types (stress testing).  I fly around
the Seattle area simply because the mountains drastically impact frame
rate.  If I fly around where I live, I can get rates of upwards of 150 FPS,
but Seattle gives me 35-50.  I also like seeing what'e left of Mt. St.
Helen ;).

Jonathan Polley

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