Michael Selig writes:

 > ... while all these wonderful *uiuc-set.xml airplanes are now being
 > buried alive, I have a few simple questions (multiple choice):

I cannot reproduce your problem -- with yesterday evening's CVS, I see
a C172 sitting nicely on top of the runway with any of the following:

  fgfs --aircraft=c172-uiuc
  fgfs --aircraft=c172-larcsim
  fgfs --aircraft=c172
  fgfs --aircraft=c172-yasim

 > In the recent past did we use +z down, and now we're using +z up
 > (with respect to the view code and this pesky little green dot)?

I think we've always used +z up.  YASim uses +z down internally, if I
recall correctly, but that shouldn't affect anything else.

 > [a] Given that things did work and now they don't, and
 > [b] given that JSBSim models do not have these problems
 > while the UIUC models now do
 > (as does LaRCsim C172 which at first I thought was OK!),

Can you confirm that you don' have any local code mods that are
causing the problem?  As I mentioned, everything looks fine to me with
yesterday's CVS code.

All the best,


David Megginson

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