Jonathan Polley writes:

 > I know that there was some discussion on this topic just after the
 > 0.7.9 release, but I don't remember the outcome (or if there was
 > one).  Will the next release be feature adding, or bug squashing,
 > release?  The reason that I am asking is because of the warnings
 > that I see begin generated by MSVC (and some in gcc, but MSVC is
 > one of the more pedantic compilers I have seen).  Most warnings are
 > rather benign, unreferenced local variables, some are a bit
 > stronger, type mismatches between int and bool or signed and
 > unsigned versions of the same type.  A few warnings do concern me
 > and, although they are mainly type conversions to boolean that are
 > not integral, a couple are due to not having all control paths
 > covered in some functions.

Melchior recently did an excellent job chasing down problem reports
from valgrind and submitting patches to fix them.  We need brave
volunteers to do the same thing in a couple of other contexts:

1. Build with -wall (preferably using g++ 3.*) and fix every warning;
   ditto for MSVC on the highest warning level.

2. Enable all FPUs and submit patches to make FlightGear FPU-clean.

Both are incremental rather than big-bang jobs.  Any takers?

All the best,


David Megginson

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