On Saturday, April 13, 2002, at 02:39 PM, David Megginson wrote:

> Jonathan Polley writes:
>> I know that there was some discussion on this topic just after the
>> 0.7.9 release, but I don't remember the outcome (or if there was
>> one).  Will the next release be feature adding, or bug squashing,
>> release?  The reason that I am asking is because of the warnings
>> that I see begin generated by MSVC (and some in gcc, but MSVC is
>> one of the more pedantic compilers I have seen).  Most warnings are
>> rather benign, unreferenced local variables, some are a bit
>> stronger, type mismatches between int and bool or signed and
>> unsigned versions of the same type.  A few warnings do concern me
>> and, although they are mainly type conversions to boolean that are
>> not integral, a couple are due to not having all control paths
>> covered in some functions.
> Melchior recently did an excellent job chasing down problem reports
> from valgrind and submitting patches to fix them.  We need brave
> volunteers to do the same thing in a couple of other contexts:
> 1. Build with -wall (preferably using g++ 3.*) and fix every warning;
>    ditto for MSVC on the highest warning level.

I would be glad to do the work for MSVC, but enabling the highest warning 
level generates warnings that I have no hope of understanding (the default 
is W3, and the highest level is W4), as it complains about usage that is 
inside STL, etc.

I can easily submit patches for the more obvious errors (eliminating 
unreferenced local variables, adding some type casts), but I don't feel 
that I can supply patches for the FDMs.  I can, if people would like, keep 
an up-to-date list of of the MSVC errors available at:


> 2. Enable all FPUs and submit patches to make FlightGear FPU-clean.
> Both are incremental rather than big-bang jobs.  Any takers?
> All the best,
> David
> --
> David Megginson
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Jonathan Polley

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