Strange Scenery Bug! is NOT a bug at all

> >> around 36D 59.981N -122D 11.236W. As i passed
> >> this point the OCEAN dropped about 25 feet!
> Sounds like maybe there are two versions of scenery installed
> FGFS used to distribute 'ocean tiles' but the newer versions 
> manufacture these.

This sounded like a good idea, since i sort of have 2 sets of
scenery. The original from Curt's CD-ROM, circa April, 2001,
and my (almost daily) cvs updated. While my FG_ROOT
points to the cvs D:\FG79\fgfsbase, in my system.fgfsrc (in 
FG_ROOT of course) i have the line -


As we all know the cvs base ONLY has W130N30, with
only W122N37 and W123N37 - some 149 files, including the
few cvs generated folders\files - while the CD-ROM scenery
contains nearly 62,000 files.

BUT a trial of commenting out this scenery path change in
.fgfsrc produced EXACTLY the same results. Well NOT exactly
the same at start up at KSFO ...

A new compare of my two W130N30 folders shows that my cvs
KSFO.btg.gz is newer and larger - 20-04-02 vs 22-06-01,
46K vs 36K, and this produced a stunning new view of
KSFO with at least new runway lights, and many other 'new-to-me'
objects visible, but some look 'incomplete' - like they
are just a white rectange where 'something' should
exist, and the lights appeared 'suspended' in the air ...

But after adding some more diagnostic output, especially
when an 'ocean' tile is generated on the fly, the problem
is simple.

I have NO *.stg (scene terra gear) files for other than
my cvs updated W122N37 and W123N37. And it appears the
internally generated ocean tile is about 25 feet LOWER
than all the rest of the OCEAN!!!

I thus ran out of scenery at the point appx. 37D 00N
-122D 11 - simple as that. And thus i 'see' a transition
from ocean within a file tile, to 'generated' ocean ...

And my new diagnostic lines added, something like -
  if( fgGenTile( basename.str(), tile_bucket, &c, &br, geometry ) ) {
         "NOLOAD:" << buc_path.str()
         << " No .stg so generated OCEAN!" );
      center = c;
shows that even on start up at SFO i am missing -

NOLOAD:w130n30/w123n37/942033 No .stg so generated OCEAN!

Note buc_path is generated from the added code -
    //tile_path.append( tile_bucket.gen_base_path() );
    SGPath buc_path  = tile_bucket.gen_base_path();
    tile_path.append( buc_path.str() );
    buc_path.append( index_str );

There simply are no 942033* files in the cvs base download,
so i am missing scenery even before i move away from the AP!
There are 942034* and 5* files, but no 942033 ... Maybe we
should expand the cvs base a little?

Now my question is can i somehow 'generate' these quite
small STG text files, since i have some 60000 btg.gz files?
It appears in lots of cases i could just make up STG files where none
exists ... But then there are *.IND files as well ... and the fact i have
NO W130N30/W123N37/942033* files at all ... Is there
a document i can read on this?

OK! It seems i must order a new CD or 2 to update my
year old scenery ... else just content myself to only
buz around the min. SFO area updated during the cvs base
updates ... or take some time and download them, but
that would be hours and hours ...

Hope this helps some others 'understand' what the real
scene is ...



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