If something did somehow get corrupted, blowing away your entire cvs
tree and starting over might not be a bad idea.  But, perhaps you
could post the last bit of your build output where the error occurs
(along with any error messages from your compiler.)


Keith Wiley writes:
> I cannot get flightgear to compile to save my life.  I usually update with
> the following command:
> cvs -dP
> I have tried doing a make clean prior to doing a make.  What else can I
> do?  Why doesn't this work?  It seems to me, that if I do a simple cvs
> command that ought to all-encompassingly update the project, I ought to
> end up with a buildable set of code, but no.  I have no idea what I'm
> doing wrong.  It seems so utterly simple, it baffles me to imagine where I
> could possibly be making a wrong turn.
> Should I just scrap my entire flightgear directory, throw it away, and
> start over from scratch?  It's not like I've even been doing lots of code
> modification that might mess up the cvs merge.  I'm simply trying to
> download pure cvs code and it isn't working.  This is absolutely
> ludicrous.  I've been banging on this thing for weeks.
> Would it be helpful to email the build output to you folks?  I don't find
> it very suggestive myself.  Many of the errors are of the type "no version
> of such and such a function found", as if the necessary object files never
> got created prior to the function calls getting linked.  How could that
> occur?!
> I realize this is probably not a problem anyone feels like thinking about
> too hard, but if anyone has ANY idea what I'm doing wrong, I would really
> appreciate a point in the right direction.
> Thanks tremendously in advance.
> ________________________________________________________________________
> Keith Wiley                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> http://www.unm.edu/~keithw                 http://www.mp3.com/KeithWiley
> "Yet mark his perfect self-contentment, and hence learn his lesson,
> that to be self-contented is to be vile and ignorant, and that to
> aspire is better than to be blindly and impotently happy."
>                                            --  Edwin A. Abbott, Flatland
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Curtis Olson   IVLab / HumanFIRST Program       FlightGear Project
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