Alex Romosan wrote:
> Andy Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Remaining outstanding YASim bugs are (people should shout if I've
> > forgotten something):
> i don't know if this a bug or if that's how the modeling is supposed
> to work but the a4 is almost unflyable. when i use the controls the
> plane gets into these weird damped oscillations. i never flew an a4
> but i find it hard to believe that the real jet would exhibit this
> kind of behaviour. the harrier is much better.

Indeed, the A-4 model is much less statically stable than the Harrier.
But I wouldn't call it unflyable.  It's certainly harder to fly than a
lightplane or jumbo jet, but then, it's a 1960's attack jet -- it's
not *supposed* to be easy to fly.  :)

Try being lighter on the controls, and try a set of rudder pedals if
you haven't already.  I honestly haven't had any serious difficulties
maneuvering the plane.

This is one of those classic problems -- traditional consumer flight
simulators (and this is especially true of military sims) have done a
great job at modelling cockpit avionics and UI issues, but a really
piss-poor job at the aero modelling.  Pretty much every sim I've tried
is absolutely rock-steady.  Stomp on the rudder and the nose goes ever
so slowly to the side, then back to the center.  I'd say that the fact
that YASim enters a violent yaw oscillation when you stomp on the
pedals is a feature, not a bug.

Since all the force equations and solution routines are exactly the
same as the ones for the lightplanes (which generally behave pretty
realistically, stability-wise, under YASim), I'm inclined to think
that the A-4 in fact *is* this unstable.  Any ex-Navy pilots on the
list? :)

That being said, if you really feel that the stability is too low, try
modifying the "effectiveness" values for the hstab and vstab entries.
This is a dial that multiplies the total force generated by the
surface; more force from the tail surfaces means more stability.  You
could also try moving the c.g. forward using ballast, which will have
the same effect.


Andrew J. Ross                NextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer      Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

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