Andy Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Anyway, try the new code and see if that works for you.  You'll also
> want new planes, as some of the old ones went pretty wacky once the
> fix went in:

Andy that works.  Haven't been able to download your tar ball (is the link
correct?).   If you can get it to me I'll test them and sync fgfsbase with
your latest patch.

As for the sinking 747 problem,  I'm a little uncertain about the problem
being in the "lift" now.  It appears that the thrust/altitude curve is a bit
too steep.  For example even at 1500ft ASL,  mach 0.94 IAS, and full throttle
I'm only getting 51400lbs.  Now I realize those are unusual conditions for a
flight but given the rating (and configuration in 747.xml) the thrust should
be a lot closer to 60000lbs at that altitude (56000lbs or more).  A little
higher up, I'm seeing thrust figures in the range of 34000 at 12000ft which
seems low as well (would guess it'd be above 40000lbs anyway).

Also there seems to be a greatly exagerated "ram effect" (not sure of correct
term).  It seems that airspeed changes might be affecting the thrust value too
greatly, but I don't have a feel for this at all.



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