James Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> One valuable thing would be to define the 'input' property nodes the
> auto-pilot code will have, so I know what I should be setting.
> *Ideally*, thus would be broken down into LNAV / VNAV / auto-throttle
> stuff (with some coupling, obviously, especially for managed climb and
> LOC/APP modes).

Not a problem...give me a day or two to get things together.  Probably there
won't be as much changed as there will be added, but some of the "settings"
need to be exposed in the property tree.

> And of course, some of these can be missing. IIRC, someone (Alex?)
> mentioned that on low end Cessnas, the autopilot will only control
> laternal navigation (no VNAV). And of course lots of GA aircraft don't
> have an auto-throttle. 

Yes, the basic cessna autopilot is single axis.

> > As far as "autopiloting" is concerned, I'm not sure of the extent of what you
> > are trying to model.  AFIK, even if you've filed a plan and are using a flight
> > computer you still need to clear before climbing or descending, so
> > automatically changing FL and going into climb or descent when a given
> > waypoint is reached would not be accurate behavior.  But perhaps I am
> > misunderstanding this.
> Err, I'm simply planing to copy the features I am familiar with from
> using the simulated FMCs and MCDUs I've used. As you say, flight level
> changes require ATC interaction (usually), but there's all kinds of
> other things that the FMS can do automatically. Even the lowly KLN-89b
> can automatically trigger the missed-approach for a stored procedure if
> it detects a go-around condition.

Then I'll let you work with that one and just focus on ap operating modes. 
The per aircraft configuration (defining capabilities) will be a big part of
the autopilot and more than likely I won't get it quite right.  But someone
who knows how a given AP in a given aircraft works should be able to adjust
the functionality through the xml config.
> If you're interested, you can download the manuals for various
> simulations (notably the Wilco 767-PIC), in PDF format. It's rather
> heavy going, but potentially valuable prior to auto-pilot work, I guess.

Sounds good.  Where is it?


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