Norman Vine wrote:
> Check your editor's help file for 'multi-file grep' or 'multi-file search'
> IMHO this is an indispensible editor feature for developing 'large'
> projects and most 'good' code editors have this feature builtin so
> you don't have to resort to using commandline tools directly.

Blam.  Culture crash.  Most of us unix geeks would contend until the
day we die that doing a recursive search via a GUI interface is slower
and more error prone than running find and grep.  The idea not "having
to resort" to command line tools is foreign -- they're better, not
worse.  To us, a GUI app exists to do what command line tools cannot
(like editing visual stuff, or browsing big data sets), not to replace
functionality that works great already.

I do this particular operation so much that I have a little 2-liner
"cgrep" script that looks for a string in all the C/C++ source files
under a directory.  I can type "cgrep joy" before you get past the
Edit menu in any IDE. :)

Smileys all around.  I don't point this stuff out to start a flame
war.  It's just that I find that most GUI folks have a very hard time
internalizing the fact that Unix folks might really prefer a command
line for many tasks, and I like to cite evidence when the opportunity
presents itself.

(And after all that, I'm sure that someone will point out that emacs
has a multi-file grep feature too.  I'm just not aware of one.)


Andrew J. Ross                NextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer      Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

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