On Thu, 2002-06-20 at 09:06, Norman Vine wrote:
> ima sudonim writes:
> >
> >Incidentally, how does one find within files using grep?  If 
> >i'm in /src 
> >and want to search all components of /src (including recursively 
> >directories)
> >
> >I tried:
> >
> >find . | grep -i "joy" but that finds just files with joy in their names 
> >in the directory tree
> >
> >Is there another tool I should be using?
> Check your editor's help file for 'multi-file grep' or 'multi-file search'
> IMHO this is an indispensible editor feature for developing 'large' 
> projects and most 'good' code editors have this feature builtin so 
> you don't have to resort to using commandline tools directly.

Do you like living dangerously? ;-) ;-)

> Cheers
> Norman
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