Andy Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> I'm not at all certain, honestly.  It occurs to me that I might be
> fooled by the tiny size of the A-4 panel into thinking it's larger
> than it is.  The current model is actually only 7cm/2.75" in diameter,
> though, which is almost certainly too small.  Or maybe there's a
> scaling factor coming in from somewhere else?  I looked at the
> aircraft model in AC3D and decided that the units were in meters, but
> maybe something else is applying scaling?

Field of view possibly?  Try changing it.  In my local copy I've enlarged it
some and made the bezels a little tighter.  It's interesting that texturing
the layers helps with the geometry.  Also one thing that plib does support is
the emmissive property and I'm getting a readible instrument that looks
reasonable by applying a very small amount of white.  It still doesn't solve
the lighting issue,  of course.

By tomorrow night I should have finished detailing the AI.



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