Alex Perry writes:
> > * Alex Perry -- Thursday 10 October 2002 20:10:
> > > Why can't we stick it into the scenery directories, but one directory
> > > up from the tiles, so we have one file per 10degx10deg of planet.
> > > That should ensure that FGFS doesn't need to load all that many files,
> > > and just having the one file in the base package will allow initial use.
> > 
> > But then you couldn't teleport to arbitrary airports, n'est ce que pas?
> Oh, sorry, let me elaborate ...
> 1. I'm assuming we keep the airport database (but maybe omit runways
>   etc)

Then someone will want to teleport to a specific runway at a specific
airport. :-)

> 2. Given an airport ID, FGFS must priority load the relevant file above
> 3. The remaining files (between zero and about 300) are defer loaded
> 4. When the scenery loader thread has no tiles to do, it does one file
> 5. Thus, we can put huge amounts of information into each airport record

I think it's reasonable to consider saving the same data in more than
one form in order to suit different needs of different sections of the

Curtis Olson   IVLab / HumanFIRST Program       FlightGear Project
Twin Cities    [EMAIL PROTECTED]                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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