John Check writes:

 > I see that tuning the ADF radio is now done on the standby channel.
 > It was my understanding (which ain't much) that at least on some
 > units you can tune the active channel

My experience is limited, but the only units I've seen where you tune
the active frequency directly are radios without a standby frequency
(the ones I've used are big cold-war jobs that have a nob for each
digit on a physical wheel).

 > 2 questions.
 > 1) Would anybody object to me activating a switch so we can have
 > both?

It depends on what we're emulating.  Before you go ahead and add it,
though, why do you want it?  For radio navigation, you generally want
to be able to tune your next station in advance without losing the
current signal as you move from one NDB to the next.  Typical examples
include following a Romeo air route between two NDBs (not that
uncommon in Canada -- I've done it a few times already) and flying an
instrument approach that uses one NDB for the FAF and another NDB for
the missed approach (I'll be doing that soon).

Its the same principle that you use with the VOR and the VHF radio --
try to stay one step ahead of the plane by having your next frequency
already tuned it (for example, I usually have Ottawa Terminal ready on
standby while I'm still talking to Ottawa Tower after departure).

 > 2) Should we just switch to the KR87 thats sitting in cvs unused?


All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Flightgear-devel mailing list

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