Once upon a time, you were sitting and writing:

> ... I was wondering if there has ever been talk of exposing 3d models through a
> metalanguage in XML, or maybe to a spec such as SVG (though I guess SVG is 2d,
> not 3d).
> In this way, a person might not have to run off and download/pay for/learn some
> heavy duty 3d program to render some sort of basic aircraft frame, or building,
> or even cockpit.

FOA, I think VRML is the answer to your question (??),
not neccesarily in FlightGear. 
Besdies, I do no underdtand if you refer the difficulties
in rendering, or modeling. 

For instance, you can download GMAX for free (from Discreet's site),
which is a freeware modeler based on 3D studio MAX. 

Moreover, PLIB has the ability to load 3D scenes of
a reasonable amount of formats.

All the best,

         ___  Elad (elady)    _@__                  ___
    ____(   \  J. Yarkoni  .-'    `-.              /   )____
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     (______/              `-.____.-'              \______)
  "Elady" for friends or....
  "Oh my God... - It's Him !" for fans (or turbofans).
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