It's not the I _really_ feel the need.

It is just that the few 3d tools I have taken a look at, Maya, Blender and one
other one (can't rememeber the name, it was a bit ago) are complex to use.

Harder, it seems to me anyway, than thinking in terms of edges and nodes in
some 0,0,0 centered 3d space, drawing it on a piece of paper, making a list of
nodes, and typing them in somewhere.

Having said that, it is probably my issue that I don't really _want_ to learn a
3d modeling tool.

For FG, I would love to be able to put together a really simple 3d model for
the airframe, and a really simple 3d model for the cockpit, where they only
(for me) need to be good enough to get the perspective out of the cockpit right
(view over the dash, view out the window while on base turning to final etc

Eye candy could be for those that _do_ care about 3d modeling.

It's not a big deal.

I'm just enjoying hacking around with FG right now, trying to understand the
parts, and trying to figure out where I might be able to contribute a little.

I am also doing a little research and trying to collect a little data here and
there in the hopes of maybe trying to put together an aircraft a'la a mooney
type of aircraft.

I starting looking at and found some data for the commander series of aircraft
as these are a'la mooney with a high performance single, running ~200kias or
more at cruise, seating 4 people with baggage at max useful load and having the
low wing design.

I am also playing with a GUI front end for dealing with configuring flight
gear, starting with simple stuff like being able to select aircraft, airport,
time of day, clouds, weather etc.

Since all of this info is laid out in XML files (I wonder who influenced that
design ? ...) I am finding this to be an intuitive project.

I do wish the was an XML Schema or DTD to help me understand what the
possible/expected permutations of the XML config files was and to help my
understand what the enumerated values were for some of the elements, such as
cloud types for instance.


--- David Megginson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The Tone'ster writes:
>  > In this way, a person might not have to run off and download/pay
>  > for/learn some heavy duty 3d program to render some sort of basic
>  > aircraft frame, or building, or even cockpit.
> I've considered adding support for defining simple geometry directly
> in the XML, but it seems like a waste.  If you *really* feel the need
> to create 3D models in your text editor, use AC3D format, which is
> text based and well supported.


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