Getting 'rsync' working through a firewall is pretty difficult. You could
try to build 'rsync' with 'socks' support, but even then ....  not every
firewall supports 'socks'. So I dare to point at the fact that this utility
might be pretty useless for several users.
If you are _allowed_ to be playing / using Flight Gear at work, then you can try asking your network administrator to enable rsync protocol. Point out to them that it provides basically the same sort of access (the way they see it, in terms of security, abuse, etc.) as FTP, and if they allow FTP they should allow rsync as well.

If you're not allowed, but hope to get away with it via the company email and web facilities provided, well, maybe you need to work for a games company instead. :-)

[Note: I'm in this position of having FTP but not rsync at work. But I can't think of a good reason why I should be allowed to run Flight Gear, or any other justification for requesting rsync access.]

- Julian

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