On Thu, 5 Dec 2002, Cameron Moore wrote:

> I guess _my_ question in regard to rsync is how much would rsync
> actually help in our case.  If a tile is changed -- say we fixed a
> runway or something -- would a diff accomplish anything since we have
> binary scenery files that are also gzipped?  Would the rolling checksums
> that rsync does all end up being different, so we are always downloading
> the entire file anyway?  If this is the case, then rsync's main
> advantage is worthless to us.

Having used rsync to transfer 650MB cd images I can say that it DOES help
a lot - having it "download" the new one in 10 minutes after a few minor
changes at the other end is rather impressive on a 512Kb/s DSL line.

Jon Stockill

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