Ryan Larson writes:

 > I flew an Arrow-III up to Minneapolis and back this past weekend.  Even with
 > a CAS of 135 kts, I had a GS of about 80-88 kts the whole way up to
 > Minneapolis at 6000 feet because of a cold front moving through.  On the way
 > back, I had a great tailwind and at 9000 feet I was at 130 kts CAS and 194
 > kts GS.  With a top speed of 217 kts GS on a descent from 9000 to
 > 7000 feet.

Interesting.  That's why people will pay for an extra few knots -- if
you're flying into a 60kt headwind, a 120kt airplane is 1.5 times as
fast as a 100kt airplane, for example.

 > If you have an idea of what types of numbers you would like to get in terms
 > of performance data.. I can try and get some on the Arrow and an Archer.  I
 > also have manuals for the Arrow and the Archer if that would be helpful.  Do
 > we have a central place we could store this stuff?

Jon collects aero data at the JSBSim site.

 > Anyway.. congrats on the purchase.  It looks like a nice
 > plane.. wish I had the guts to pull the trigger and buy my own
 > plane, but with the job market the way it is.. I can't afford to
 > make that purchase right now.

Yes, I'm nervous as well, but you can look at it this way: a VFR
1960's PA-28-140 doesn't cost much more than new minivan, either to
buy or to operate.

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.megginson.com/

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