Norman Vine writes:

 > No need for anyone todo that it is already there !
 > > For whatever reason, none
 > > of my posts seem to get through there.  Dunno if that's a sourceforge
 > > thing or what...
 > Sounds like a local problem as I see your posts to plib-devel from here
 > and they also show in the lists web interface at SourceForge

On my system, I use procmail to sort messages into separate lists.
When someone crossposts to flightgear-devel and plib-devel (for
example), both messages end up in the flightgear-devel folder, because
that rule fires first, so it just looks like a duplicate posting.

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Flightgear-devel mailing list

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